Friday, November 28, 2008

Instant Gratification

How often do we use that phrase to indicate the foolishness of modern society? We talk about the "old days" (as if any of us can really remember them anyway) and how modernity is saturated with microwave solutions that don't really work.

And then we turn around and talk about the fact that grace is instant. No microwave or refrigeration required; just believe in your heart and *poof*! Of course, those of us who have been around the block for our entire lives understand that there's more to it than that. We have justification (by grace, of course) and sanctification and all of these other words that we apply to the process of becoming more Christ-like, but for the most part, we market God as an inst-fix to your every ailment.

While I was driving through...Indiana? I'm not sure which state; it was a long drive. Anyway. When I wasn't on the phone or singing with the radio (not Christian me heathen) I had these little mental conversations with God. And then I hit a "whoooooa" point.

I haven't really been walking away from my faith over the past few months, but I haven't really been pursuing God, either. It's like being in a boat and not using the oars. Currents and waves and whatnot push you around wherever they want to and you suddenly realize "crap, the dock is way over. . .uh, where?" So then you (or I, anyway) commence rowing in any general direction. Rowing frantically with no real idea of how effective your efforts are is exhausting, and I'm tired. And then it hit me: insti-grace. Believe Him and be...saved.

Sadly, the thing keeping me from fully being immersed in this amazingness is myself. And I know it. My brain is just...overactive or something.

Ok, interrupted to go do more packing of junk, so I leave you with lyrics (yes, I have a song for pretty much everything)

Where am I today, I wish that I knew
'Cause looking around there's no sign of you
I don't remember one jump or one leap
Just quiet steps away from your lead

I'm holding my heart out but clutching it too
Feeling this sort of a love that we once knew
I'm calling this home when it's not even close
Playing the role with nerves left exposed

Standing on a darkened stage
Stumbling through the lines
Others have excuses
But I have my reasons why

We get distracted by the dreams of our own
But nobody's happy while feeling alone
And knowing how hard it hurts when we fall
We lean another ladder against the wrong wall

And climb high to the highest rung
To shake fists at the sky
While others have excuses
I have my reasons why

With so much deception
It's hard not to wander away
It's hard not to wander away
It's hard not to wander away
~Reasons Why, Nickel Creek